Sunday, 5 October 2008

Needle felted gonks for my kids

I wanted to have a go at trying some 3D needle felting. So I made these gonks. My kids love them and my eldest even had a go at using the needle. My 5yr old loved the softness of the roving that I used. So altogether quite an educational experience as I explained where wool came from and what it looks like before it is spun. Its very addictive think I will make some more beads tonight!! as they are the easiest to do!! Go on why not have a go and have a bit of fun!


Ed said...

What gorgeous little chaps, I wouldn't know where to start - is there a tutorial anywhere please?

Sarah said...

oh they are so CUTE!!!!

how tall are they?

Hazel said...

Awww, I love them so much! They are really cute, and I may have to make some too, now I have seen these :D

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Oh these are too cute! How'd you do this without stabbing yourself? :D Marva