Saturday 7 February 2009

Experiments with felting

Today I went to a textile group and had a go at nuno felting which is felting thin strands of wool onto silk, chiffon etc. My first attempt was too thick so I added needle felted flowers but I was quite pleased with my second attempt as I put the wool on finer and as the wool felted it dragged the chiffon into quite textural folds. I am going to add to both of these with some beads and threads but it was great to experiment thanks Ann. Think I will make some felted beads tonight once the kids go to bed..they are all running round playing captain underpants at the moment..ha ha!!


Anonymous said...

Your felting looks great!! isn't this fun to do!!! Be careful, its affictive hahaha

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful ~ have done needlefelting but never on silk ~ oh there are so many wonderful arts to do ~ I could do a different one each day ~ think I best focus on just a few ~ Love the look you created ~ thanks,

Hugs and namaste, Carol (artmusedog)