Sunday, 20 April 2014

Dali bird in Paris

Finished the collaborative art piece that I have been working on from Piarom a German artist..she sent me the background below and I turned it around and immediately saw a can can surreal bird in it....

finished a little plate using a word rub on I had and some butterflies from the Homemaker magazine..using my first issue of  a Mums Day subscription treat I bought making pretty things for myself

love bluebells in my garden


Sid said...

Love your collaborative piece Lorraine and a Happy Easter to you and yours !

Sid said...

Love your collaborative piece Lorraine and a Happy Easter to you and yours !

sheila 77 said...

Love your bird with his striped legs and tail feathers and all the lovely blue.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Fabulous painting! So much fun. :)