Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Lots of Artiness..

Its been the Easter holidays here so havent had time to blog but have had time to do little bits of art every day..I believe that if you do little bits everyday then they soon are finished I spend 10 or so mins between family chores to do a little bit of here are the results since I last blogged
Wanted to make something pretty so painted this and sewed the words "U R Calm"
Painted a disturbed outsider art piece influenced by menopause hot flushes!

Lots of textures to this piece..its called "Poppies in the snow"

its been lovely weather lately so have been painting etc outside drinking lemon balm and sage leaf tea from my its supposed to help with hot flushes and anxiety..stay calm everyone


Robyn said...

lovely painting and assemblage. I always tried to put a positive spin on my broken thermostat- think of them as energy surges! Ha! easy for me to say.
thanks for visiting and the snoop around.
robyn 34

jill said...

You have some lovely finished projects . Happy woyww Jill #18

my cup of tea said...

I have sage & lemon balm in my garden...for the near future. LOL! Does it work?
Love your work! Such beautiful pieces of art a little bit at a time. That's what I do with my domino books because things take so long to dry in between. Thank you for the visit and the kind words you left behind!

Chrysalis said...

I just love the face on the first piece of work! Glad you're managing to find some 'me' crafting time in among all the family goings on. Have a great week, Chris # 15

Unknown said...

Your paintings are interesting. I can kinda relate to the one over hot flashes. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #76

stampingbowd said...

What a great post! I love how you work with your art in between house chores! Your middle piece with explanation made me giggle! Love the look of your soothing drink! Happy WOYWW! #73

Paper rainbow said...

tea in the sunshine, what could be nicer! Great variety of pieces, really like the poppy abstract piece!