Friday, 11 April 2014

No Life Without Hope

Had a go at a street art inspired piece for Soul using bright colours for a change.  I have just set up a society 6 shop to sell high quality art prints as I was getting requests for to the right

Happy Paint Party Friday


Faye said...

Beautiful bright colors, Lorraine. Hope is certainly an all-important element of life.

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful and colourful piece with a good message! Valerie

Lisa Graham said...

I always love to come here and comb through your always do so many different things. There is a wonderful transparency you achieve, especially when you do faces. Hope your prints fly off the shelves on Society 6. I have a couple of friends over there too.

AnnD said...

Love the elements of graffiti in your work!

Giggles said...

What a happy piece full of yummy color!!

Hugs Giggles

Laila said...

Lovely colorful work, it's to be glad of. Thanks for sharing.

Deborah said...

Wow, love this Lorraine. You do bright colours so beautifully. And good luck with the prints.

Annabelle said...

Hope is essential to life , gives us purpose.
Lovely work Lorraine!

Annabelle : )

Annette G said...

Loving this dynamic piece of art Lorraine. Happy PPF, Annette x

Robin said...

Very cool, colorful painting! I love the "street" paintings and there is so much in yours. Very cool!

Gillena Cox said...

your colours are bold and the fingers all seem to be giving direction, sometimes in life we need to be shown the way

have a nice weekend

much love...

bellefrogworks said...

I love the vibrancy of your street art inspired piece. I have begun to use strong red elements (not too much of it) in my paintings and I like the results.

Tammie Dickerson said...

Love the energy of your colors! Wonderful :)